What on-page SEO is and Why it's so Important?

What on-page SEO is and Why it's so Important?
When your search what is On-page SEO, there's a lot of information being fronted by Google between ads were paid services, and blogs filled with jargon. He's overwhelmed. So today we're going to break On-page SEO down as simply as possible. One of the easiest ways to improve your SEO is by optimizing your on-page SEO. But what does that mean exactly?

What on-page SEO

On-page SEO is about making changes to your content or your website to rank higher. It includes HTML elements like title tags and meta description, but also your web content, internal links, and more. These Elements make it easier for search engines to find and classify your website.

You're probably asking now what is off-page SEO, this has to do with factors outside of your website. Things like backlinks, brand mentions, and social media presence. In this article, we're going to talk about on-page SEO and how you can use it to generate traffic. Here are the major factors to worry about.

Make Sure Your  Target Keyword is Included in Your Title Tag

This piece of HTML code tells search engines what your page is about. It's also the first impression potential customers have of your website, so you'll want to write it in a compelling way to make them want to click for more.

  Meta Descriptions  

Meta descriptions are also very important pieces of HTML code. They give details about your pages. Meta descriptions typically appear under the title tag in search engine results.

  Structure Your Content Using Headings and Subheadings  

These tell search engines what information is the most important on each page.

  For example;  

The H1 tag is generally the main header of the page. You'll want to include your keywords here, but you can also create headings with H 2.H3, H4, H5, and H6.

Don't forget the actual content or text of the page. You'll want to make sure there is enough high-quality content for visitors and search engine and that keywords are naturally included. In fact, studies show that longer content tends to rank better. 

Did you know images also play a role in SEO ranking before uploading your images? Use descriptive file names. For instance, you can name a file  TAMPA-FL-ROOF-REPAIR-EXAMPLE.JPEG  as opposed to image one JPEG.

Alt-text is a piece of HTML code that describes images for browsers and search engines. These are important for readability and accessibility.

You can also internal link to other pages of your site. This helps. Discover other important topics and it passes authority to other pages.

Have you ever seen a URL EXAMPLE.COM/87654X65/23-43-56/7875 that looks like this? So URL just contains random numbers. It doesn't help the user or search engines understand what the page is about.

You should create descriptive URLs. Even better, you can include keywords in this description. A URL like  EXAMPLE.COM/Tampa-FL-ROOF-REPAIR is more effective for SEO. There are so many factors that go into on-page SEO, but what we discussed in this article are the major ones. For you to consider.

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